Friday, September 5, 2014

CESU Proposed School District Unification Vote
on November 4, 2014

Dear Community Members,

Over the course of the past 11 months, the Chittenden East Voluntary Merger Planning Committee (VMPC) has been studying and discussing unifying Chittenden East Supervisory Union’s (CESU) eight school districts into one unified school system.  As part of its work, the VMPC has prepared a Report and Articles of Agreement outlining the framework of a proposed unified school district.  The report and articles were submitted to the Vermont State Board of Education on July 29, 2014.  After review and an affirmative recommendation from the Vermont Agency of Education, the State Board of Education approved the report and articles on August 19, 2014.  The action of the State Board of Education established a date for the electorates of Bolton, Huntington, Jericho, Richmond, Underhill Incorporated and Underhill Town School Districts to vote on unifying CESU’s eight districts.  This vote will take place in conjunction with the state and federal elections on November 4, 2014.  Per state statute, the unified school district can look different depending on how many towns approve the unification article.  If the unification article passes in all of CESU’s member municipalities, a Unified Union School District will be formed.  If the article passes in a majority of CESU’s municipalities (i.e. four out six), a Modified Union School District will be established.  Under a Modified Union School District, one or two towns that do not pass the unification article will continue as an independent elementary district and have proportional representation on the new Modified Union School District Board. 

As specified in state law, elections of board directors must take place on the same date that the unification article is voted.  Community members interested in serving on this new union school board can pick up petitions at their local town office.  Residents of the following school districts can find petitions at these locations:

School District
School Director Positions
Petitions Available at:
One 3-year term

Bolton Town Office, CESU Website
One 2-year term
One 3-year term
Huntington Town Office, CESU Website
Two 1-year terms
One 2-year term
One 3-year term
Jericho Town Office, CESU Website
Two 1-year terms
One 2-year term
One 3-year term
Richmond Town Office, CESU Website
Underhill ID: 
Two 2-year terms

Underhill ID Elementary School,CESU Website
Underhill Town: 
One 1-year term
One 3-year term
Underhill Town Office, CESU Website
Please take note: Petitions must be returned to the Town Clerk no later
than 5pm on 
September 29, 2014. 

For more details on the work of the Voluntary Merger Committee and contact information for committee members, please click on the following link: CESUVoluntary Merger Committee.

A number of informational meetings regarding the proposed unification will be held throughout CESU.  Click HERE to find a meeting in your town/municipality.