Wednesday, March 25, 2015

CESU #12 
2015-16 School Calendar Update

March 24, 2015

Dear Chittenden East Families,

      On behalf of the Chittenden East Governing Board, we would like to apologize for our failure to effectively communicate about the two-hour delays included in the 2015-2016 school calendar.  We should have provided more public information before we approved the calendar and posted the calendar on our websites. 
      The new Vermont Education Quality Standards (State Board Rule 2000) state supervisory unions shall provide professional learning for staff involved in student instruction that is embedded into the school day.  Requiring professional development during the school day will force modifications to the school day and school year calendar.  We will try to make this change as trouble-free as possible.  
       Like Chittenden East, some Vermont supervisory unions have delayed start times, while others have early release days, or half days, or a combination of those options.  In some supervisory unions, there are different delay or start times by school building.  Given a number of factors, we decided a delayed start once a month would be the best way to balance the needs of students, parents, and staff.
       Each school building will have a safe space available for students on these mornings.  Breakfast will be served, and some limited bussing may be available.  Teachers and staff will be able to collaborate not only within a building, but in other configurations that will enable us to improve our educational delivery.  Technology and planning will allow teachers from multiple elementary schools to work together on lessons, or teachers from the middle and high schools to collaborate in order to ensure a smooth transition for students.  Other areas of focus for staff will include:
  • Implementing Personal Learning Plans (PLPs) at Middle Schools and High School (state mandate)
  • Implementing Proficiency-Based Graduation Requirements (state mandate)
  • Implementation of Common Core (adopted by state)
  • K-12 Data Teams (New Education Quality Standards)
  • Effective training for Readers and Writers Workshop K-8 (local initiative)
       We are resolute in supporting students and families with this change to the school calendar, considering community feedback, and providing updates throughout the adjustment process.


Jon Milazzo, Chair                 Andrew Pond, Vice Chair                  John Alberghini, Superintendent 

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