Friday, October 18, 2013

Congratulations to Kristen Barker!
2013 UVM Outstanding Teacher of the Year  

In her fifteenth year as a Mt. Mansfield Union High School counselor and Director of Student Services, Kristin Barker continues to provide inspirational leadership for her department as she  serves families, students and our community.  We appreciate her ability to continually seek the best ways to meet the needs of each individual learner and inspire her colleagues.  She has managed school climate and structural organization to assure the high school curriculum is aligned with 21st century skills.  She creatively solves complex social, emotional and academic concerns and is an asset to the profession and our entire community.  Please join all of us in congratulating Kristin Barker.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Mt. Mansfield Union School Board invites you to a Public Forum to discuss the development of the upcoming

Browns River Middle School
Camels Hump Middle School
Mt. Mansfield Union High School

Community input is a vital component in the budget development process.  
Please join us for a presentation and discussion of the 2014-15 school district budget.

We look forward to hearing your thoughts and ideas!

Mt. Mansfield Union High School Library
Tuesday, October 22, 2013 at 6:30 pm

Monday, October 14, 2013


Champlain Valley Superintendents Discuss Calendar 2.0

Champlain Valley, Vermont - October 11, 2013 - Champlain Valley Superintendents have completed four public forums with over 1,000 people in attendance to discuss the proposed Calendar 2.0 calendar that uses existing calendar days in a different format intended to maximize student learning.

"It has been an exciting two weeks. The energy and interest exhibited at the community forums is testament to the importance our communities have in providing the very best educational opportunities for all of our students. We are grateful for the level of participation at the forums, on blog posts, and the many smaller groups that met over the course of the last nine months - all of which will be given serious consideration," commented Chittenden South Supervisory Union Superintendent, Elaine Pinckney. 

Superintendents in the Champlain Valley agreed during a meeting this week that the forums indicated there is not broad-based community readiness at this time to implement the proposal for 2014-15.  There remains a responsibility to engage communities in a conversation that looks at time as a variable in student learning.  Regional Superintendents also want to encourage and continue the energy around community engagement in education from the discussions at the forums. 

The Champlain Valley Regional Superintendents value input from their respective communities, recognize the need for community support and know that everyone wants what is best for all children. The feedback from the forums will be reviewed by the Superintendents in November to harness the creative thinking of the community in shaping 21st Century learning environments.  Additional answers to the questions that are being asked will be provided back to the communities and ideas presented by stakeholders will be further explored.

Jay Nichols, Superintendent of Schools for the Franklin Northeast Supervisory Union, noted "We want the community to stay involved as we move through this discovery process and we plan to communicate our discussions and opportunities for engagement along the way."

Based on the Vermont Superintendents' Association (VSA) Education Quality Framework and the VT World-Class Education Agenda, the School Calendar 2.0 is a new way of looking at what a school calendar could look like. This calendar preserves the current 175 student days while building in blocks of times, or intersessions, that could be used for multiple purposes for multiple stakeholders.

For more information on the proposed regional calendar, visit: Highlights include customized learning, partnership with community organizations, timely and responsive professional learning, and preservation of quality instructional time.