Starting in 2006, CVSA began studying schools where achievement
improved. The regional group of superintendents soon realized that how blocks of time were devoted to student
learning appeared to influence achievement. Then, in 2010, CVSA officially
charged a Task Force to review the current school year calendar, study
alternative models, and recommend a calendar based on agreed-upon principles.
That Task Force referred to several sources as they created the
proposed Calendar 2.0, including:
- Regional Educational Laboratory at EDC
- National Center on Time and Learning
- San Francisco Bay Area KIPP Schools: A Study of Early Implementation, First year Report 2004-2005
- Evaluation of the Expanded Learning Time Initiative: Year One Report 2006-2007
- Learning Takes Time for At-Riskers. 2005 Education Digest
- A New Day for Kids. 2007. Educational Leadership
- Year-Round Education. 1993. ERIC Document
- The Bigger Picture: What about Year-Round Education? 2005. Eric Document
- Review of Extended-Day and After-School Programs and their Effectiveness. 1998.
- Center for Research on the Education of Students Placed at Risk
- What Twenty Years of Educational Studies Reveal about Year-Round Education. 1994. Eric Document
- A Five-Year Comparison between an Extended Year School and a Conventional Year School: Effects on Academic Achievement. 2008. Eric Document
- The Quality Imperative: A state Guide to Achieving the Promise of Extended Learning. 2009. Council of Chief State School Officers and the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices
- National Association for Year-Round Education
- The Perennial Reform: Fixing School Time. 2008. Phi Delta Kappan.