Friday, February 15, 2013

Dear Community Members:

    Below you will find details of the proposed 2013-14 Mt. Mansfield Union School District Budget (MMUSD) and other information that you may find beneficial as we approach MMUSD's Annual Meeting and Town Meeting (March 5, 2013).

    Please do not hesitate to contact Business Manager, Robert Fahey or Superintendent, John Alberghini if you have questions.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Welcome to the Chittenden East Supervisory Union #12 Website

The Chittenden East Supervisory Union (CESU) serves the towns of Bolton, Huntington, Jericho, Richmond and Underhill. CESU enrolls approximately 2,900 students, covers roughly 200 square miles and supports eight school districts. CESU has always embraced and honored the unique and special traits of its member towns. This cooperation and respect has resulted in CESU schools being consistently ranked near or at the top of the state’s academic measures.

I have had the good fortune to work and grow as a principal, assistant superintendent, co-superintendent and superintendent in CESU for the past eleven years. Over this time, I’ve witnessed significant advancements in pedagogy, curriculum and faculty/support staff training. Administrators, faculty, support staff and board members have provided the capacity and commitment required for our schools to evolve and progress. As CESU moves forward, we will leverage our assets in order to meet the educational and social needs of students.

CESU’s schools and communities are working collaboratively to effectively prepare students for college and successful careers. This mission has influenced and is defining our curricula, programs, investments and professional development.
Our overarching goal is to design and deliver an educational system that culminates in every student possessing the skills and dispositions required to be successful in the 21st century. To this end, CESU is using its energy and resources to implement faculty/support staff training that directs and promotes data analysis and learner-centered instructional methods. Research and contemporary scholars support CESU’s emphasis on embedded, relevant, coordinated, consistent and student-centered professional development. Based on the quality and commitment of CESU’s administrators, teachers and support staff, I am confident we will secure this goal.
Please follow our new Blog. Its purpose is to communicate the activities and practices that are shaping our supervisory union.

John R. Alberghini

Vermont Superintendents Association's Vision For Public Education

Approximately two years ago, a group of Vermont superintendents were charged with the task of analyzing and synthesizing existing work of Vermont educators (e.g. Vermont Design for Education and Roots to Success) in order to establish a definition for a “quality education.”  The intent of this work is to be progressive in moving forward and not prescriptive. The focus shifts from discussions of mandates and funding to what students need to be successful in the 21st Century.  This intentional change in dialogue about public education has the potential to support students as they aspire to be global learners and citizens.  

As part of the drafting process, the superintendent task force obtained valuable feedback from the Prek-16 Council, Vermont Business Roundtable Board, Legislators, State Board of Education, Vermont School Board Association, Vermont Principal Association and other representative organizations.  The group used this input to design an inclusive vision for public education in Vermont.  The State Board of Education has enthusiastically endorsed the work the superintendent task force and intends to use it in rewriting the current School Quality Standards (SQS). 

This work has great potential to guide curricula revisions and professional development as schools implement the Common Core of Standards.  

Please click on the picture below to view the entire document.